warm-sun-caressThe place where I took this image quickly became my favorite spot whenever I didn’t know where to go and I just felt like writing. It became special because it’s so underrated, so unexpected; would you be surprised if I told you my favorite place is a parking lot that’s right next to the city zoo?

One of the things that I enjoyed the most during my time of shooting was finding beautiful details in unexpected places, random corners, old buildings, amongst other locations. I remembered how to observe, I found a way to shake off the feeling of “I’ve seen that before” and regained my sense of wonder. I didn’t even know it was gone! When did it leave, when did I stop finding beauty and stopped being amazed of what is around me? Take a moment to think if you still have it. It impacted me so much that it was a good catalyst to give myself more time to spend in the different places I visited.

As my heart was shifting and being re-adjusted with every frame that I took, my images started becoming more calm, reflecting more stillness because my heart was trusting what my eyes were now seeing. And just as the sun seems to be embracing the foxtail grass, that’s how my heart was being filled with peace and confidence every time I clicked the shutter.





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