As I was planning what I wanted 2019 to look like I knew I wanted to have more fun. Specifically take my singleness a little lighter, not be too serious about it or put so much pressure on myself for not having something I want, so I challenged myself to make fun of it. The first holiday up in the calendar to do so, Valentines Day!
I remembered this image in my head of Monica, Rachel and Phoebe from friends dress up as brides in a couch eating popcorn and drinking beer. I don’t drink beer but I have two single friends and I knew I could get my hands in a couple of wedding dresses to make it happen!
Preparing for the shoot was fun, but more than that it became a safe place where we could open up about singleness and how we really feel about it. I am so grateful for the group of women whom I got to do this shoot with because I don’t so feel alone in this unique journey of being the only single friend amongst our individual groups of friends.
I have many more thoughts on singleness and I’ll save them for another day. The only thing I’ll ask of you today as you are reading this, think of your single friends as the day goes by and give them a call, send them a text and let them know they are seen, loved and appreciated. I promise it will make their day better.
For now I’ll leave you with some photos of our shoot if you like to see and everybody’s contact so you can follow them around social media. Glenda from Postcards from Mexicali, Mara from Mara’s Cupcakes, Styling by Celeste Gutvel, Makeup and hair by Denia Uriarte, Bridal accessories by Somethingbridal by AR, one of the dresses is by Fernanda Medina.